
Print Soft Cover Perfect Bound Books Online

Discovering the Right Book Printing and binding are as critical as any other decision you make for your book. The finish on your cover, the paper material, the adhesive, and even the trim size—all of these details contribute to a one-of-a-kind book that represents your work. You’ve put your heart and soul into your work, so make sure it’s printed in the most appropriate manner for you and your audience.

What Exactly is a Perfect Bound Book?

A softcover book is always perfectly bound. The book’s cover and pages are cemented together at the spine during the perfect binding process, and the edges are “perfectly” cut to give your book crisp, even edges. Perfect bound books are light, flexible, and stylish. Often referred to as paperback books, they are often highly durable, stack well, and may be printed in small quantities. They have a cheaper book printing cost than hardcover or “case bound” volumes and are the most cost-effective alternative for print on demand.

What are the Advantages of Producing Perfect-Bound Books?
Perfect binding is the most common option for creative work, nonfiction, memoirs, novels, and family histories. There are several advantages to publishing perfectly bound books. They appear really professional while costing a fraction of hardcover binding. If you wish to sell your books in stores, this is typically the ideal choice since you can print on the spine (if it’s wide enough), making it simple to index and display your beautifully bound volumes on shelves.

Perfect binding produces a professional softcover/paperback book, making it excellent for leisure reading. Hobby readers do not have to worry about books lying flat on a surface or being resistant to water and grease.

However, if you’re printing technical training manuals, cookbooks, or any project that requires flat-surface reading or extra protection (such as laminated covers or vinyl backings), you ought to choose one of our other book-binding alternatives.

Perfect-Bound Books are Both Excellent Quality and Inexpensive
Order perfect bound book printing for professional paperbacks. You don’t need to be a published author to create professional-looking paperback volumes. Perfect bound book printing provides a high-quality softcover book at a reasonable price.

Perfect binding secures pages into a paper cover’s hinged spine using a strong binding adhesive. This is the only booklet binding with printed spines, so you can successfully display books on bookshelves and shop racks.

How many pages are printed in a perfect bound book?
In our experience, very thin books may not have the same professional appearance or feel as heavier volumes with proper binding. This is because there isn’t enough surface area to bind the pages to the spine. Our order form will accept perfect bound booklets  printing as little as 10 sheets, however, we recommend that you examine other binding choices first if you fall into that category.

On the other hand, 446 is the maximum number of 20/50# Bond sheets that can fit inside an ideal book. As the paper weight increases, the threshold decreases in tandem. The cost calculator will tell you whether your book is too thick for flawless binding.

What Distinguishes Perfect Binding as an Affordable Book Printing Solution?
Perfect bound magazine printing, often known as softcover or paperback books, provide the right combination of affordability and professionalism.

Fewer Materials
A machine uses just paper and glue to bind books perfectly. Some book bindings, such as Wireo, need additional materials and frequently use synthetic covers. The ideal binding machine requires less labour due to its automated nature. A bookbinding technician just inserts the paper and covers into the machine, which performs the rest. Handwork is required for spiral and wire-o binding.

The setup time for flawlessly bound volumes is minimal as compared to hardback binding, stitched stitching, and other professional book production choices. This corresponds to reasonable pricing on both small and big quantities, protecting you from ordering more books than you need at a reduced unit price.

Affordable to Buyers and Readers
Many book printing clients are concerned about providing a product that is cheap to their target demographic. With properly bound volumes, self-publishers never have to worry.

Most Literary, Artwork, and Photography Publications Benefit from Perfect Binding
Perfect bound booklets are a cost-effective choice for self-published writers who want their books to look professional without going over budget. Perfect binding is great for small and medium-sized book printing numbers when you want a high-quality paperback book that can be sold in shops or online.

Perfect for Formal Presentations of a Polished, Premium Product
Perfect binding is an excellent choice not only for creative authors, but also for corporate presentations, annual reports, and other professional content that requires impact. Catalogues, periodicals, and nonfiction books are all examples of perfect-bound publications. Our consumers want excellent binding for picture books, novels, children’s books, catalogues, family histories and a lot more.

We do not recommend perfect binding for educational books, recipes, or other uses that need the book to remain open while lying flat. For books of this type, we recommend spiral binding or wire-o binding.

How does Perfect Binding Work? 

  1. Book pages and covers are produced using a digital press. 
  2. Cardstock cover sheets are cut to form spine hinges and then fed into the perfect binding machine. 
  3. Inside pages are securely glued to the scored spine using a heavy-duty, fast-hardening binding adhesive. 
  4. Book edges are square-trimmed to eliminate extra glue and cover edges, resulting in flawless 90° corners.

Why Should You Pick the Appropriate Binding for Your Book?
There’s nothing quite like holding a sleek, lightweight paperback novel in your hands. Perfect binding is a common choice for fiction novels of numerous genres, including romance, mystery, and fantasy. Greener Printer is also popular in creative nonfiction, children’s literature, business books, and graphic novels.

Perfect binding is less expensive than case binding, so authors may print more books and distribute them to the most renowned literary shops, both in-store and online. Also, the rear of the binding is cut uniformly and square, allowing title information to be written conspicuously on the spine, making your book stand out on the shelf.

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